
Jaundice causes yellow discoloration of the eyes and skin

Jaundice occurs when the level of bilirubin rises to a critical level in the blood and causes yellow discoloration of the eyes and skin. It may be associated with other symptoms such as itching, pale stools, dark urine and abdominal pain. The liver is responsible for metabolising bilirubin and jaundice is always a sign that there is a serious problem in the liver. It may be related to impairment of bile flow through the liver by a blockage of the bile ducts by gallstones or a tumour or it could be the result of a liver injury such as a drug reaction. Patients with underlying cirrhosis may also develop jaundice when the liver starts to fail. Urgent assessment is always needed and sometimes admission to hospital is necessary. Our specialists are able to respond quickly to diagnose and manage the underlying causes of jaundice, including performing endoscopic ultrasound and ERCP.

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